ec⋅stat⋅ic [ek-stat-ik]
Use ecstatic in a Sentence:
1. of, pertaining to, or characterized by ecstasy.
2. subject to or in a state of ecstasy; rapturous.
3. a person subject to fits of ecstasy.
ECSTATIC. Currently, I am
ECSTATIC. Although the definition seems a little skewed. I feel rather ecstatic. In light of recent events, I am very happy. See :) :) :) The other complaints were just that. Complaints. Small things. Anyways, I had like 5 Birthdays. Crazy huh? I am blessed to have a nice handful of friends that I would not change the world for. They are nice enough to allow me to have a Birthday Week versus just one day. Good Stuff. Also I got some pretty good gifts. Some have not come in yet. But yeah, good stuff. I just want to say thank you to all of my Suite 26 Familia, also Joey, Danilo & Rich. Special thanks to
Thao &
Tam ;)
BTW, TK raps HELLA whack. Sorry Fly Society.